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I am Kristina Emilia, a simple girl, lost between the trappings of modern society and a natural backdrop of trees, waterfalls, and hot springs. I need the trees, the ocean, and the dirt. I need the connection that I feel from the top of my head down through my heels to the core of the earth. Something forgotten while trapped on an island of concrete. Leaving this place for a tropical paradise or a sweet mountain home. Can we travel there together? I love love and giving and receiving, the everlasting push and pull. Dreaming of a changed world, transformed by love. Changed by steamy connections and fantasies fulfilled.  Idealistic maybe? I think we can start building this world we desire. I believe with a little care we can all have our time in the sun. A place filled with gorgeous views, where we can fully be and express ourselves without shame.


I am svelte with a perky bust and tight round bottom. I pay special attention to all you gentlemen out there who want quality time filled with care, relaxation, and sensuality.

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